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The Starlight Giscus plugin can be configured inside the astro.config.mjs configuration file of your project:

import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight'
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
import starlightGiscus from 'starlight-giscus'
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
plugins: [
// Configuration options
title: 'My Docs',

Just create a Giscus App, and then copy the relevant settings from there.


The Starlight Giscus plugin accepts the following configuration options:

repo (required)

Type: string

A public GitHub repository. This repo is where the discussions will be linked to.

repoId (required)

Type: string

Set the repository ID. Copy it from the Giscus app settings.

category (required)

Type: string

Choose the discussion category where new discussions will be created.

categoryId (required)

Type: string

Set the discussion category ID. Copy it from the Giscus app settings.


Type: string

Default: pathname

Choose the mapping between the embedding page and the embedded discussion.

  • pathname - giscus will search for a discussion whose title contains the page’s pathname URL component.

  • URL - giscus will search for a discussion whose title contains the page’s URL.

  • <title> - giscus will search for a discussion whose title contains the page’s <title> HTML tag.

  • og:title - giscus will search for a discussion whose title contains the page’s <meta property="og:title"> HTML tag.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Show reactions block above the reply form.


Type: string (top | bottom)

Default: bottom

Place the reply form above or below the comments.


Type: string | { light: string; dark: string; auto: string }

Default: preferred_color_scheme | { light: 'light', dark: 'dark', auto: 'preferred_color_scheme' }

Choose a theme that matches your website.

Possible values:

preferred_color_schemeSystem (default)
lightGitHub Light
light_high_contrastGitHub Light High Contrast
light_protanopiaGitHub Light Protanopia & Deuteranopia
light_tritanopiaGitHub Light Tritanopia
darkGitHub Dark
dark_high_contrastGitHub Dark High Contrast
dark_protanopiaGitHub Dark Protanopia & Deuteranopia
dark_tritanopiaGitHub Dark Tritanopia
dark_dimmedGitHub Dark Dimmed
transparent_darkTransparent Dark
noborder_lightNoBorder Light
noborder_darkNoBorder Dark
noborder_grayNoBorder Gray
cobaltRStudio Cobalt
purple_darkPurple Dark
gruvbox_darkGruvbox Dark
gruvbox_lightGruvbox Light
catppuccin_latteCatppuccin Latte
catppuccin_frappeCatppuccin Frappé
catppuccin_macchiatoCatppuccin Macchiato
catppuccin_mochaCatppuccin Mocha
froFro Theme CSS Url


Type: boolean

Default: false

Loading of the comments will be deferred until the user scrolls near the comments container.